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“Dr.Gautam Modi” Locations

About “Dr.Gautam Modi”

A medical sub-specialty that focuses on the respiratory system is called pulmonology. Specialists in this area of medicine are referred to as pulmonologists. These doctors address a variety of respiratory issues like COPD, bronchitis, TB, etc. and concentrate on the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the lungs. They may have their own independent practise or consult at a healthcare centre or hospital.
If you’re searching for a reputable pulmonologist, we advise you to look into Dr. Gautam Modi of Rajendra Nagar, Patna. Dr. Gautam Modi, who was established in 1978, has a solid reputation in the medical community.


“Dr.Gautam Modi” Answers

No online consultation.


“Anaphylaxis: Understanding the Signs, Causes, and Treatment of Life-Threatening Allergic Reactions”
Dr.Gautam Modi Dr.Gautam Modi
“Allergist and Immunologist: A Guide to Understanding the Specialists Who Treat Your Allergies and Immune System”
Dr.Gautam Modi Dr.Gautam Modi
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